Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture in Riviera Nayarit Mexico

Riviera Nayarit arts and culture is a combination of authentic cultural heritage and a dynamic contemporary art scene incorporating traditional Huichol art, Mexican handicraft artisans, and much more.

Nayarit’s cultural heritage encompasses four separate ethnic groups:

  1. Huicholes
  2. Coras
  3. Tepehuanos
  4. Mexicaneros

This heritage has led to a destination rich in traditional culinary traditions reflected in a wide variety of restaurants as well as popular Nayarit arts and culture events and festivals. Learn more about Riviera Nayarit by exploring the folklore and, of special importance to visitors, excellent shopping for traditional authentic handicrafts and art.

You will also find many contemporary works by Mexican and international artists that draw vacationers to the area. Visitors can find artwork in galleries, boutiques and open air markets.

Huichol Indian Encounter

The Huichol Indians of Riviera Nayarit are an indigenous ethnic group living high in the Sierra Madre Mountains who not only escaped the conquest of the Spaniards but also avoided being changed by contemporary Mexican culture.

They are one of the last tribes of people in North America who still live much like they did in pre-Colombian times, still maintaining their same rituals and beliefs. They refer to themselves as “Wixáritari,” which means, “the people” in their native Huichol language. This is Nayarit arts and culture at its purest.

The Huichol consider themselves “mirrors of the Gods,” striving to reflect a physically and spiritually sacred vision of the world. They are a unique, mystical, and spiritual people whose culture and artwork provide a fascinating educational cultural encounter for anyone visiting Riviera Nayarit, Mexico.

A full day excursion into the Sierra Madre Mountains to experience the wonders of the Huichol Indian Cultureand, the majesty of Riviera Nayarit, and the beauty that surrounds them are in store for visitors who embark on this once-in-a-lifetime trip.

You’ll head north for Nayarit stopping in the authentic fishing village of Rincon de Guayabitos before climbing 3,000 feet into the majestic Sierra Madre Mountains.

Passing the historic and majestic city of Compostela and the Puga sugar factory, you’ll arrive at Nueva Valey, the small Huichol Indian village with a population 130 natives! Or at 79 miles north east of the state capital, Tepic, reaching the Agua Milpa dam and a 20-minute ride will take you to the Huichol community of Potrero de la Palmita.”

Here you will visit their temple, learn about their authentic Nayarit arts and culture and experience first-hand their colourful costumes, music and dance. You will be allowed to take “priceless photographs” and purchase their authentic beaded artwork and handicrafts. This is a cultural experience visitors will never forget!